Crafting Poets Workshop
Our Crafting Poets Workshop invites you to dive into the depths of who you are as a poet. Inquire into how your craft wants to develop, what is holding you back and how your poetic voice can be cultivated to reach a wider audience – whether in print or performance.
Within a group setting, we will explore provocative questions, create poetry, critique one another’s work, and explore the edge of our poetic container.
We will:
– Dig into our deeper intentions and motivations as poets
– Explore our comfort zones and what it takes to move beyond those
– Develop the resilience to take risks in our writing and creativity
– Meet like-minded poets who are coming together to strengthen their craft and build Dubai’s up and coming poetry community!
If poetry is your art, your science, your medicine; if it is something you cannot help but do and will do despite the many demands life makes of you, then this is the workshop for you!
Passionate? Provocative? Poet? Welcome home.
This workshop will be moderated by Deena Dadachanji!
AED 110
Saturday, 17 November – 3:00PM to 5:30PM
You can reserve your spot by emailing your interest to
Remember seats are limited and are on a first-come-first-serve basis
The Workshop Cafe
Villa 45, 23B Street (off Al Wasl Road)
Jumeirah 2
Dubai, UAE
Deena Dadachanji is an educator, poet and artist whose passion for learning and expression has taken her across the globe – from Pakistan to Dubai, to Canada, Singapore, Thailand and back to Dubai! Fascinated by the power of words as a medium of expression, she began to write poetry, songs and stories at a young age. Recently, she has taken to the stage to perform her spoken word pieces in Dubai, Sweden, Spain and Thailand.
Deena believes that expressing one’s authentic voice is central to feeling a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life. As an educational consultant who specializes in alternative education, she offers children and teens the tools to tap into their creativity and share their ideas, emotions and stories through the Arts. Deena provides families and communities with the tools to integrate holistic practices into children’s education by empowering them to address challenges, including healthy emotional expression within the family, talking about puberty, discipline and boundary building with children, and mindfulness practices in education.
More recently, Deena has teamed up with Jamil Adas, founder of Dubai Poetics, to facilitate workshops for poets and performers in Dubai. Their workshops provide a space for poets to share their work and develop their craft within a creative and collaborative community. For more on Deena’s work and poetry, follow her on Instagram @deenadadachanji, or check out her work through The Poetryhood YouTube channel!