Scents & Stories


Lush: Scents & Stories (Night 1)

Lush: Scents & Stories (Night 2)

Lush Middle East has invited Dubai Poetics to host spoken word poetry performances during their 2 day fragrance launch event!

These snazzy spoken word artists and poets are going to treat us to their beautiful performances:

  • Farah Chamma

  • Christine-Jean Blaine

  • Namal Siddiqui

  • Ehrlich Ross

  • Tasneem Mayet

  • Deena Dadachanji

  • Malavika Suresh

  • Cheryl Kelsall

  • Rui da Silva

Warehouse Four, Al Quoz
Dubai, UAE
(Exit 42, Al Manara Street – next door to LED WORLD)
Google Maps link:

Date & Time
Thursday, 16 November 2017  (10 – 11pm)
Friday, 17 November 2017  (7 – 8pm)

Give Poetry a Voice – Come join us! 

Let us know you’re attending by clicking on that sweet “Going” button in the
Facebook Event Page

To learn more about the full 2-day arts, music and poetry event hosted by Lush please visit their event page Lush Presents: Scents & Stories

Extract from Lush:
Get your World Passports ready! Lush Middle East invites you to a two-day launch event of the new fragrance range with an eclectic gallery combining scents and stories showcasing talent from the Middle East in art, music, poetry, and dance. Lush’s perfumer, Simon Constantine, has been traveling the region and has been so moved by all the people he’s met, inspiring him to create the Road from Damascus, Cardamom Coffee, and Manouche Zaatar fragrances. Besides these three perfumes, we are sharing stories on homelessness and displacement through the Tank Battle, Rentless, and What Would Love Do? fragrances. Explore a unique multisensory experience of being exactly where these perfumes came from and hear from Simon Constantine himself about his thought process and creative innovation when making these perfumes. In addition to this, we are running a Scented Cinema featuring the Lush film, Samples of Society: Metarmorphosis. You’ll also get to experience all of the fragrances at the Lush Pop Up shop and get a personalised consultation on the most suitable fragrance for you.

Many giveaways and activities await you and we cannot wait to see you all there!