We Will Fade
Photo by Grant Whitty
Poetry by Lynn Hijazi
The whiff that once signaled home,
Now signals emptiness
Like an addict itching their skin for a fix,
I sniffed the last drops of what’s left of you off of your clothes and bedsheets-
Damn it I inhaled those bedsheets like a rabid dog
But now, your delicate aroma has faded
The echo of your laugh that once was a symphony to my voice, faded
Now it’s just my echo trapped in this head of mine looking for a way out
As you faded, my voice faded with you Mama
The heart that you birthed, now feels hollow
Surrounded by many, yet never fulfilled
It’s looking for you mama
The warmth of your hugs are locked and buried in one of the dungeons of my seeming-less core
And I have lost the key mama, forgive me
I miss what I never got to have
I miss what I got so little of
I grew up without you, yet your heavenly whispers at night guide me like the northern star leads the vagabonds
You never left your little birdie mama, you looked over her from your mortal nest
It’ll never get easy
What very little I have of you now, will also fade until you
God, you’ll just be a memory
An odorless, warmth less, speechless memory
I will
I will cope with this so called life
I will do it in hopes of fading one day and meeting you on the other side
We will fade mama
(Submit your poem to thepoetryhood@gmail.com for a chance to be featured)