Poetry Night 3
Poetry Night 3: PAREA
Maria da Penha
Jamil Adas
من اليمين إلى الشمال
Lights in My Head
Tasneem Mayet
Fictional Fitness
Cheryl Kelsall
Christine-Jean Blain
Forgetting to Name our Daughters
Sara Saleh
Elevator People
Namal Siddiqui
Poetry Night 2: Poetry for Suhoor

Where has the Poetry gone?!
Come and find it at our 3rd Poetry Night!
We are featuring the band that fuses poetry with music – PAREA – this is a truly must-not-miss experience and if you have seen them already.. well.. I don’t think you need anymore convincing ;D
We’ve recently completed a very productive 2-day spoken word workshop working with fantastic individuals on perfecting our performances. The participants of the workshop will be laying out their poetry and hearts to you on stage.
On top of that, we have a lineup of “special guest” featured artists to perform.
The Poetry Night is an event for The Poetryhood to meet and enjoy good, honest, vulnerable and flabbergasting spoken word performances and poetry readings.
Here is the list of souls that will be gracing the stage:
Farah Chamma (PAREA)
Namal Siddiqui
Tasneem Mayet
Malavika Suresh
Cheryl Kelsall
Myriam Nehmeh (PAREA)
Maruan Husein (PAREA)
Christine-Jean Blaine
Sara Saleh
Jamil Adas
Mingle with other like-minded creatives, meet some industry professionals, and get to experience the special-set-menu at One Life Kitchen & Café.
LOCATION: One Life Kitchen & Café in Dubai Design District (d3)
DATE: Friday, 1 December 2017
TIME: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
For any enquiries please contact us at
Let us know you’re coming by clicking that sweet “Going” button on
Poetry Night III – PAREA Facebook Event Page
“ندعوكم للمشاركة في أمسيتنا الشعرية الثالثة بعنوان “شلّة الفرح
بعد الانتهاء من ورشة عمل قمنا بها على مدى أسبوعين, حان الوقت بأن نعطي المشتركين الفرصة لتقديم نصوصهم على المسرح
بالإضافة إلى ذلك, سنقوم بدعوة “ضيوف شرف” سيقدموا لنا عروضاً شعرية
“و اللّيلة سوف تكتمل بعرض شعري و غنائي مثير من الفرقة “شلّة الفرح
:انضموا إلينا و استمتعوا بالعروض الشعرية من هؤلاء الفنّانين المبدعين
(فرح شمّا (شلّة الفرح
نمل صدّيقي
تسنيم ميّة
مالافيكا سوريش
شيريل كيلسال
(ميريام نهمة (شلّة الفرح
(ماروان حسين (شلّة الفرح
كريستين-جين بلاين
سارا صالح
جميل عدس
سنكون إذاً في
One Life Kitchen & Café
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