Workshop 2
Poetry & Writing Workshop
We are hosting 2 separate workshops where we encourage participants to join with personal texts in any form (poetry, extracts from novels, thoughts etc..) in order to share and receive feedback from numerous peers who come from various schools of thought.
After the resounding feedback we got from all the poets who joined our 9Hijri poetry writing workshop we could not help but create another one for the Poetryhood.
Farah Chamma is once again running our workshop which is always packed with honest feedback and bite-sized humor that makes this workshop easy to digest in our minds.
Here are the gritty details…
Date & Time
Workshop 1: Friday, 8 September 2017 (from 6 to 8pm)
Workshop 2: Saturday, 9 September 2017 (from 6 to 8pm)
(Note: We are hosting the same workshop twice so that if you can’t attend one date you can hopefully make the other)
12th floor – Control Tower
Motor City
Dubai, UAE
Email your excitement to join this workshop and reserve your seat (spaces are limited) to or by calling +971 (50) 358 5042 – we urge that only committed poets sign-up as there are limited seats and we might be refusing reservations due to capacity.
ONLY those who have reserved their seats before-hand (by emailing or calling +971 (50) 358 5042) can participate in this workshop.